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FlexFTP Modern Flexible Multi-Site
Secure File Transfer Client

included with all Flex Terminal
Emulator licenses

Familiar Ribbon Interface

FlexFTP provides the same look and feel as our proven Flex Terminal Emulator terminal emulation solution for performing multiple local-to-site, site-to-local and site-to-site drag-and-drop secure file transfers.
FlexFTP Workspace
FlexFTP Sites

Multiple Sites

A FlexFTP workspace can consist of a single site, or any number of sites, which may be docked and displayed as tabs. Sites within each workspace can be easily arranged using drag-and-drop functionality.

Site Manager

Configure unlimited sites with enhanced search to quickly identify a particular site or property. Expand or collapse all properties with a single click. Enable advanced encryption options from the Security section for TLS and SSH.
FlexFTP Site Manager
FlexFTP Quick Connect
FlexFTP Organize
FlexFTP Explorer

Quick Connect

Easily enter FTP site information and instantly get connected without the need to configure a site in Site Manager. 


Manage site files and folders from the ribbon.


Cancel operations that are taking an excessive amount of time, or refresh the site display.

Additional Features

  • 23 Available Themes
  • Fully customizable layouts using drag-and-drop to arrange sites 
  • Log and Queue panes for monitoring transfer activities, which may be visible or hidden
  • Standard Windows content views
  • Multiple sorting options
  • Enable/disable columns to display
  • One-click "size all columns to fit"
  • Status column with links, which take you directly to a specific area of the log
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